The Power of the Basics

It seems that often people try to get a result as quickly as possible.  They ask questions like:  how do you quickly make money?  How can I get in shape fast?  How do I get a new job as quickly as possible?

The fact is that frequently, the quicker you want a result, the quicker that result can reverse itself.  That investment that went up so dramatically can go down just as quickly.  The latest fad diet or those interesting exercises where you lost a lot of weight, you can put the weight back on just as quickly.  That job that you somehow managed to get yourself into very quickly could turn around and you could lose it if you’re not qualified.

Rather than try to find quick ways to do things, it is often the basics that will work the best for the long-term as you are setting up a strong foundation of habits.  If you want to make more money, spend less than you make and invest the difference.  There are numerous resources on how to invest appropriately or you can ask for advice from professional advisors.

If you want to get in better shape do some exercise everyday and watch what you eat and the results will come.  You will look and feel better and the results are likely to last because you achieved them methodically and locked the good habits in for a longer period of time.

If you want to get a better job, give value in the job you’re doing now and demonstrate to potential employers the value that you could give them if you worked for them.  You will make yourself more valuable, develop positive relationships with the people you work with who can then recommend you for promotions or other positions and you will learn how to be better at the job you do. 

Getting good at the basics is not sexy or glamorous, but over the long term you’ll be amazed at how quickly your results will compound on themselves and you will achieve many of your goals.

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