Saying No Today Equals Yes Tomorrow

The subject of patience and looking to the future is a major theme of ours here.  We have spoken extensively about the need to look to the future and how we lived, yesterday and today will directly affect that.  The idea is, to quote a very famous saying: “Short term pain equals long term gain.”

In other words, saying No to something today, will equal many Yeses tomorrow and in the future.  While the idea of just saying no seems negative and we are fans of using positive language whenever possible, sometimes saying no and moving on, with an eye to the future is the fastest and most effective way to make progress.

Saying no to sleeping in and getting up early to plan our day and exercise equals yes tomorrow as we look and feel better. 

Saying no to fast food and eating a home-cooked nutritious lunch equals yes tomorrow in money saved, better physical health and psychological health as we do not have to spend time deciding what to eat and fiscal health as we can then invest that money saved.

Saying no to going out every night to bars and nightclubs equals yes to tomorrow as we are able to get up early, save some money and feel better.

The caliber of the decisions we make today is going to determine the caliber of our lives tomorrow so sometimes something as simple as saying no today equals a yes in the future.

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