Do This If You Are Concerned About People Talking About You

People are often concerned about what others think about them and what they are saying about them.  This can be a very real concern for those who are insecure about themselves and who want to be accepted by their friends and family.  We all feel this way to a certain extent, even if it is rarely the case that people are thinking about us at all.

One trick that can be very effective is to imagine yourself as an athlete in competition or during a game.  Picture an Olympic athlete in the middle of the arena completely focused on their sport.  Or a basketball or hockey player in the arena, battling with the other team.  The athletes are always completely focused and oblivious to what the crowd is doing.  The spectators could be cheering, jeering or booing and the players take no notice of it at all!

With practice, this technique of imagining ourselves as an athlete in the middle of a game, totally focused and in flow can be used in situations where we are worried about what others are thinking or saying about us.  Then we can concentrate on what we want to accomplish and worry less about the opinions of others.

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