Learn from the Masters

As I have mentioned in other posts, we live in a golden age of information.  Anyone with a smart phone has more information at their fingertips than world leaders did in the year 2000.  As a result, information is everywhere, and this can create a situation where we are overloaded and don’t know where to turn when we need to […]

The Productivity Super Tool We All Have

With the advent of smart phones, we live in a world of constant distractions and media competing for our attention.  It can be very hard to focus on what we are trying to do with continual notifications, alarms and ringers going off.  However, our phones can also be productivity tools like none we have ever had access to before. The […]

The Art of Frictionless Living.

In the last few years, there has been a move away from struggle and difficulty in everyday life and a move towards easy choices and instant gratification.  That is not a criticism, merely an observation.  And it is also the way history and technology have always worked.  As life progresses, we are able to overcome more obstacles either by using […]

The Job That Can Make You Very Successful.

There are any number of jobs and professions we can pursue, both blue collar and white collar; sales or service; highly physical or highly intellectual.  Each one of these has its own merits and drawbacks.  However, there is one job which is less job or profession and more calling and lifestyle.  It is both blue collar and white collar, sales […]

The Best Way to Improve.

If you are looking for ways to improve, whether it is in business, your personal life or your health, there are a number of different places to get the information you need.  You can get it online from the vast resources of the internet, you can learn by trial and error or you can ask those who have done what […]

How to Get Better Through Practice.

There is a popular saying: “Practice makes perfect.”  The idea is that the more you practice something the better you will get at it.  But, is it true?  Let’s look at it a different way.  Is it possible to do something many times, and even for many years, and never get better?  Yes, it is.  Many people will study a […]

The Power of Asking.

One of the most misunderstood concepts today is asking.  Most people have real difficulty in asking for what they want, or they do it incorrectly.  Even though some of the most successful people ever have become successful by asking, we are still somehow reluctant to do it. Why?  We are taught from childhood that we must share and certainly not […]

Hard choices, Easy Life.

Recently, there has been so much talk around how young people are entitled and lazy.  Parents and grandparents complain that in “my day”, things were different.  That young people were respectful, hard working and active.  There is even a famous quote about the youth of today that has been circulating for some time: “The children now love luxury; they have […]

A Little Bit More.

In the world today we have become used to the idea that we will only be given the bare minimum of what we expect.  We go to the grocery store and they will have the food items we want, but probably not much more.  We go to our car mechanic to have a repair done on our vehicle and hopefully […]