Why You Should Welcome Adversity

In an experiment on biodiversity, a controlled environment was created in the desert under a large glass dome.  The idea was to experiment with growing conditions to determine which was the optimal one.  People lived in this biodome and things went well.  There was one strange exception, however.  Once they grew to a certain height, trees in the dome would […]

The Best Reason to be Nice

When my wife and I were first married we went on a trip to New York City.  We spent a few days there and one day in the midst of sightseeing we visited some stores in Manhattan.  We were not really buying anything just “window shopping” or quickly going in and out of the stores.  We noticed immediately that we […]

How to Get into Flow Quickly

We have all had the experience of driving somewhere and realising that have been daydreaming and not paying attention to the road.  We are startled by the awareness that we have little or no memory of driving the last few minutes.  This may seem frightening in an age where being distracted constantly is the norm, however, if you were actually […]

The Truth About Commitment

Have you ever started to watch a movie and realised you don’t like it partway through?  However, since you have already watched part of it, often you will finish watching it because you don’t want to feel like you wasted the initial time spent.  Often people will do this with books and television series as well.  They don’t want to […]

Use Emotion to Achieve Anything

When the average person decides they are going to do something, they figure out what they need to do and do it, generally unemotionally.  They go to work every day and the tasks they need to accomplish are either laid out for them by the company they work for or as the day progresses, things they need to do will […]

There is No Bad Weather

There is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.                                                                                                                 -Scandinavian Saying This quote is an old but profound statement on how we view circumstances, particularly things that we cannot control like the weather.  It tells us that we cannot control some things, but that we can control our reaction to those things.  This may seem obvious, but […]

Wedding Band Club

It has long been a point of humour that once a man gets married, he meets many available women that did not seem to want to give him the time of day when he was single.  Naturally most married men will not do anything with that information but keep noticing it happen and laugh about it. There are two reasons […]